Meet the Modern
Pricing Engine
for Retail

Luca’s AI-powered pricing engine uses sales patterns and market intelligence to make smart pricing and promotional decisions.

Companies that make more money with Luca

Set up flexible constraints

Build out a pricing strategy using a combination of category and business-level objectives and rules. View how objectives and rules are being applied to each SKU in the catalog.

Track prices for competitors

AI-powered match algorithm that looks for exact and partial matches, allowing operators to price comparatively against exactly matched products but also reasonable substitutes.

Approve price changes

Generate new prices at the cadence that is right for your business. Evaluate forecasted impact of each change at a SKU-level as well as business-level. Bring your whole team to the Luca dashboard for team decision making.

Evaluate Prices

Remove guesswork with a rich metrics dashboard to understand the forecasted impact of each change.

Push Prices Live

Integrate with your systems to push price changes directly into production.

Understand the impact of your price changes

No more shooting in the dark with price changes. Watch how the price adjustments impact your business, and adjust accordingly.

Why Luca?

Software + Services

Full in-person integration support with live Slack + Teams customer support. Weekly data science office hours.

AI Powered + Human Steered

Automate 99% of the busywork, but hold on to the 1% of human curated, intuition based decision making.

Ship fast

Weekly feature launches. <2 week turnaround on customer asks. Inbuilt product customizability.


We were trying to hit a profitability target while holding our units volume steady.

We needed a Pricing Engine that could hit two birds with one stone! Luca helps us do just that.

Cezar Rachieru

VP Operations, Duffl

Coming out of the pandemic that we really wanted to focus more on operational efficiency of the business.

We knew that getting the right pricing strategy and cadence in place was going to be a big part of that for us. The Luca platform has an opinionated way on how to go about this, which shows results.

Kabeer Chopra

CTO and Co-founder, Burrow

Luca has helped us establish pricing for our DTC Channel. Even though the tool is AI powered, I have full configurability on strategy and different needs that come with running a food business.

Michael Walter

Director of eComm, Nature's Path

I looked at a LOT of options before I picked Luca as our pricing provider.

We feel really supported by how quickly they've customized the solution and got the tool working for our business.

Ines Freytes

VP of Product, Laika

We were trying to hit a profitability target while holding our units volume steady.

We needed a Pricing Engine that could hit two birds with one stone! Luca helps us do just that.

Lynn Chim

VP of Product, MBX

I was skeptical that there would be a flexible, scalable solution that could handle the one-off constraints and edge cases we deal with at Good Eggs, considering our selection of specialty grocery items and homegrown processes. I was impressed with Luca’s AI-powered platform and its configurability, which is essential to operating a grocery business at scale.

With Luca, we are able to price holistically while removing the grunt-work of manual price changes. Within weeks, we observed a measurable profitability bump.

Chris Jocson

VP of Finance and Tech, Good Eggs

Case Studies


Ready to learn more?

Let's chat about bringing pricing intelligence into your process.